Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Too Polite?

Again, I'm incredulous. (There's a lot of that lately.)

First of all, rumor has it that as he walked off the stage, Obama thought he'd bested Romney. Oh, the power of narcissism.

In a radio interview, Obama's newest excuse for his poor performance in the debate last week was, “I think it’s fair to say I was just too polite."

As I said in a posting last Thursday, it appeared to me that Obama was anything but polite. Petulant and disrespectful, not making eye contact with his opponent? Yes. Lame? Weak? Yes. Perhaps he confuses weakness with politeness? Oh, no, PrezBo...big mistake!

Mitt Romney proved on that same evening that you can be firm while also being polite. You can meet your opponent's gaze and still be a gentleman. 

Obama promises that he won't be so polite in the next two debates. Good. An angrier, snarkier Obama juxtaposed against a courteously confident Romney is exactly what I'd like to see.

In Neal Boortz's 9/13 program notes, Boortz laments that he can't remember an election where the less likeable candidate has won. One polling factor that has not (yet) wavered is Obama's lead over Romney in likeability. 

Obama needs us girls to win. Women don't like bullies. We like our leaders strong yet diplomatic. Go ahead, BHO, get nasty...and then see how the numbers go...with less and less time to recover. 

Tick tock...

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