Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Great Uniter or the Big Divider?

So, born in Hawaii, raised anywhere but the South, where does the Southern black minister inflection come from as Obama makes a speech full of race baiting? The Daily Caller explores a video of Obama from 2007. Read about it and watch it here.

Before that, in 2002 it was the division of class warfare. Again, The Daily Caller posts the video of Obama speaking with anger and disdain of non-violence.

And then, there was the 1998 audio where Obama speaks about redistribution and discussing "the 'working poor' on welfare are a political voting bloc that can be harnessed."

So tell me, people, wasn't "hope and change" supposed to include racial healing? Why did anyone think that? Why did anyone assume that a man who tries to whip up so much anger toward whites and conservatives and pits the have nots against the haves could bring any of those groups together?

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