Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Beginning of the End

When I started this, I really, really needed an outlet for my political feelings. And then we had the debates, and then I voted early, and then I ran out of steam.

Okay, so part of the reason was that blogging was something I did instead of watching The Five and chatting with my husband when he was travelling on business. And about the time of the final debate, he stopped travelling. I'm sure had I been more passionate about blogging, he would've been fine with it, but I honestly would rather spend time with him than typing up a rant.

Honestly, there did come a point when Obama turned me off so much, I didn't even want to think about him enough or spend time researching supporting quotes and sources for my opinions. I actually became too disgusted with the man and his changing voice inflection and his celebrity friends to even rant against him.

Tonight it's supposed to end, but I'm afraid it won't. I'm afraid that it will be so close that he'll trot out all his lawyers to start the lawsuits. On the other hand, I'm hopeful. I really do believe that Romney has an edge when it comes to enthusiasm. I think some of Obama's base is disappointed in the bitter, snarky candidate he's become. And Ed Rollins had some really interesting thoughts about evangelical Christians who stayed home in 2008 but have somehow become energized this time.

So, because my handsome husband is in the nation's capital tonight, which makes our house a quiet, kind of boring place, I'll be watching election results all night. (Admission: I'll probably also be reading Voyager, because I love the Outlander books and am so close to the end.) I do anticipate that I'll go to bed without knowing. I have high hopes that it'll be resolved in the morning, but I also fear that we'll still be wondering in the week approaching Thanksgiving.

And, speaking of Thanksgiving, underneath all this angst is my dedication to  personal tradition of using the month of November to do a pulse check on life...to pause for a while to make a conscious effort to remember those things for which I'm thankful. While I'm not happy about the state of our union, and I'm not thankful for the nastiness of this campaign, which our President started the moment he won the last election, I will end this posting with my last status update on FaceBook today:

Nov 6: I am thankful to be living in the constitutional republic known as the United States of America, where I can cast a vote for whichever candidate I choose and have the freedom to express my opinions...which, as you know, are numerous. :-)

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