Friday, November 9, 2012

Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark

I don't know anything about David Petraeus personally or professionally. Every time I've seen him on television, he's seemed very professional. He's a highly-decorated 4-star general and holds a PhD. You don't reach those levels in your career and academia if you're stupid or have no honor...or without having all the skeletons in your closet deeply probed to make sure that he didn't have anything there that would make you vulnerable and put national security at risk. And, it's not insignificant that he's the director of the CIA, where they take snooping to the highest possible level.

So, with all that in mind, doesn't it seem the least bit odd that he would be caught in the most pedestrian of indiscretions? And isn't the timing interesting? After Bengazi...after "intelligence" was thrown under the bus, after the election...but just before he was to testify before Congress.

I won't go so far as to say that he was set up...that someone targeted him and seduced him because they wanted to "have something on him" in order to control him. However, I will say that this has to be more than coincidental. At the very least, this story is a distraction from the Bengazi hearings, and at worst, it takes him, and any information he could impart, out of play during those hearings.

On a personal note, as much as I feel that infidelity is inexcusable, and it always makes me sad, I do respect him for coming clean. I admire him for owning it instead of burying it under a vague "personal reasons" excuse. 

In semi-related news, Chris Kubasik, the president of Lockheed Martin was asked to resign for having an "close, personal relationship" with a subordinate.

Good heavens, this puts a damper on the romance of Friday night date night. Zippers are not a new invention. Do high-powered men need to get instructions on how to keep them closed with every pair of pants they buy? {sigh}

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