Monday, September 17, 2012

Why This Blog?

When you're being selfish, you just have to own it. I'm sorry, if there's actually someone reading this and you're not me, I'm not writing this for you. Oh, you're welcome to be here, but this is a purely selfish undertaking.

I can't imagine that we'll have a more important or intense political season than the one we're currently in. There's not a day that goes by where I'm not tempted to post a political rant to my FaceBook account...but I don't want to rant on FaceBook. For me, FaceBook is about being social and keeping connected, and I don't want to be that person who gets unfriended because she's always posting political rants. I want to keep FaceBook for fun things, like random photos of family, friends and the occasional margarita.

Therefore, I'm carving out this little space in the interwebs to vent. I hope that sometimes my husband will read it. Maybe my kids and stepkids will read it. Since we're diametrically opposed, I'm pretty sure my parents won't read it, and I'm okay with that. Honestly, I'm okay if no one reads it. The likelihood that I could sway anyone politically is somewhere near non-existent, and that's not my goal.

My goal is pretty simple: to keep my other social media outlets political-rant free. And so it begins...

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