Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Doesn't it bother anyone else that our President doesn't have time to do the job we elected him to do?

Perhaps he has forgotten that he has a full-time job, since his previous experience with campaigning for President occurred while someone else was actually doing the work. (Well, actually, Obama should've been in the Senate, but if you look at his voting record, maybe he was shirking there too?)

But this time, when we have a crisis of foreign policy and Americans have been killed by extremists, perhaps it's time to DO YOUR JOB, Mr. President? 

You snub Benjamin Netanyahu, blowing off the Jobs Council and your security briefings, but you've got time for flights to Las Vegas, interviews with Pimp with a Limp, David Letterman and rubbing elbows with your celebrity friends Beyonce and Jaz-Z? It's probably important to meet with Morsi, as well, but to give the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Morsi preferential treatment over Netanyahu--when he's not even sure Egypt is even an ally, but we know that Israel is--seems a little odd.

And in related news, I'm still struggling with the fact that our embassies and consulates didn't have heightened security on 9/11. Rumor has it (from those who have been "over there") that the anniversary of 9/11 is a pretty big deal in the Islamic extremist communities.

Did Nero fiddle while Rome burned? Will Obama be showing off his rapping prowess when the next ambassador is being dragged* through the streets by Muslim zealots?

*Yeah, yeah, this sounds strange, but Grammar Girl assures me that drag is really not an irregular verb.

1 comment:

  1. I was happy to hear that after I'd already scheduled this to post, Obama actually did finally spend a day on the job yesterday. It's about time. Oh, and I just heard that he's started attending security briefings in person.'s about time.
